As a Norfolk photographer who works not only in the field of weddings and portraits, commercial photography also features in my work. I get to work in some pretty amazing places both in the county and around the UK and internationally on occasions. When the shoot is pretty, amazing and in Norfolk this ticks all the right boxes for me. I am also lucky enough to be a frequently referred to photographer for many venues across Suffolk, and am proud to photograph some of the beautiful weddings in that area. The shoot was neither a wedding or a portrait and was a “commercial event”, it was an event at Norfolk’s Stody Lodge. The event was for Britain Does Vintage on the Stody estate.
Norfolk Photographer does “Britain Does Vintage”
BDV has been established for some years and holds events around the UK and this last May, 2016, the event came to Norfolk, The Stody Boutique Festival. The festival was very well attended and the sun made a glorious appearance which really was the icing on the cake. This was the events first year in the county and as Norfolk photographer my first event of the season and this event is one that is sure to grow as it has around the country. There were suppliers from near and far and the quality of event was first class. If you would like to read more about the vintage events I would recommend that you check their website or their FaceBook page.
As you may have gathered, the festival was held at Stody Lodge, deep in Norfolk’s countryside. For those that do not know of Stody Lodge, the gardens are opened during the month of May and so having the event in the grounds visitors were not only able to enjoy the events of the day but also take advantage of viewing one of the most amazing gardens I have had the good fortunes to visit. Why? The gardens are truly a fusion of exploding colours for a 5 week period of the year. The rhododendron and azalea splendour is a true vision and as a Norfolk photographer the colour and depth of colour is not to be missed, I loved it … so make a note in your diary for May next year! The gardens, expansive lawns and water gardens are themselves a beauty to behold and they are so incredibly well manicured and planned. I hope the image selection below do the gardens justice.
Getting back to the festival itself, the end of the day was headed by Katrina form Katrina and the Waves,”Walking on sunshine” fame, and not to forget a Eurovision entrant gave a performance on the terrace of the Lodge. It was just fantastic, to see so many people on the lawn who got up to dance to the music and Katrina coming down to dance with them too was simply magic. I for one was walking on sunshine, a super, super day in an enchanting garden was one day that I shall be looking towards for next year.
I hope you like the image selection. If you would like to see the full gallery, just leave me a comment and your email address and I will send you the link to all the images and if you would like to know more about my services, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.